Sunday, August 5, 2012

Leading by Example

I am amazed by the work of Khadarlis for Sierra Leone because their efforts are focused in the most important thing of all and that is food sustainability, the freedom and knowledge to be able to grow your own foods! Everyone in the world should learn to do this.

God has given us in nature everything we need to nurture our body, and foods coming from natural sources are not only foods, but vitamins and healing medicine. Eating the fruits of your labor and knowing the source is very important. We can learn from Khadarlis how the great efforts of an organization that does what is right (and for the right reasons) will be successful, especially with your help and spreading the word about the importance of food sustainability.

I know that while living in the city it is merely impossible to keep a garden, and we may not yet need to have one, but is everyone's job to learn to care for others and yourself. We have a commandment to follow and when we do this, we will be blessed. We may not even knowwhat exactly what we need, but ask and it shall be given to you according to what you believe. The ONE above, in whom we shall trust with all of our might, will feed you and clothe you every day of your life.

I encourage you to learn more, how you can get involved with Khadarlis efforts. Remember, is the personal experiences that stick with us forever, to change and improve the generations to come. This way, you can contribute to a world where no one is hungry, and no one is cold and everyone has a way to survive and thrive. Sharing your experience with your children on how you put your grain of sand in this ocean, is leading with your example, and this is one of the best lessons they will learn in their life.
One example of Khadarlis efforts:

As a result of high population growth and a decade of civil war that ended in 2002, poverty remains widespread throughout the country. The severe economic decline that went hand in hand with civil war and social unrest destroyed social and physical infrastructure and impoverished the country. Sierra Leone is the poorest country in the world, according to the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI).
It ranked last out of 177 countries on the HDI in 2005. Health and nutrition indicators remain among the worst in the world. A large proportion of youth, including many former combatants, are unemployed or underemployed. Fostering agriculture and farming in villages will provide jobs, food and self reliance for villagers.
We have adopted the ABC of Agriculture
A-Agriculture training
B- Setting up community Businesses
C-Career in agriculture.

A little goes a long way, please consider contributing today, to life!
Gisela B.

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