Thursday, March 31, 2011



To all our volunteers that worked hard at making this presentation, give a chance, watch and pass it along. Donate if you can

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Water is life...

Could you imagine if you had to walk 6 miles just to get clean water --- water to drink, cook, do laundry, clean your home, or take a shower - well that is what many people in rural Sierra Leone have to do, and most often this burden falls upon the woman and children of the community.  These already vulnerable populations are required to travel miles and miles throughout the day carrying heavy loads of water just to meet their basic needs.

Having to spend hours a day collecting water prevents people from taking part in activities that could otherwise help lift them out of this desperate situation - like children going to school - with no education the cycle of poverty is doomed to continue. If there is no water food cannot be grown, and people remain hungry and malnourished.  Without clean available water a multitude of illness’s constantly plague men, woman, and children in these communities -  including typhoid and cholera, just to name a few. 

In a country that sees both a rainy season and a dry season the lack of infrastructure that exists to maintain an adequate supply of fresh water year-round is one of the main factors challenging development.  The simplest measure of providing clean safe accessible drinking water would contribute significantly to a villages overall health and prosperity.  When water is easily available people can concentrate on other tasks - like growing food, going to school , and doing business - if people are sick they cannot work!

Clean safe water is being used and abused all over the world.  Water security is an issue we must all become familiar with, it is not only limited to the villages of Sierra Leone -- but we can begin by bringing our awareness and attention to those most vulnerable,  those whose lives currently depend on it.

A few facts about water...

  • 1 in 6 people on planet Earth have no access to safe water - that’s 1 billion people!
  • Half the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from water-related illnesses
  • 1 in 4 deaths of children under five is linked to poor water & sanitation
  • Village’s with access to clean water can see a 50% decrease in infant mortality

*Water is Life*

See for more information or to see how you can help!

Give Villagers Water for Life

Give Villagers Water for Life

Everyone on this earth deserves clean drinking water.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A call to service

We are seeking volunteers to advocate and join our cause. We are a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to rebuilding and building of villages in Sierra Leone after the Blood Diamond War. We are looking for NGO/NPO student, or social/underdevelopment studies to come intern with our organization.
Khadarlis for Sierra Leone
99 Academy Ave
Providence RI 02908


No one should go without clean, safe drinking water. At khadarlis we are dedicated to building water wells in Villages in Sierra Leone. These villages are recovering from 11 years of conflict know as the Blood Diamond War. Bringing clean, safe water to villages will allow children to be free from the duties of transporting water for their families needs. Which in turn will give these children a chance at Education. Please visit or site for more information.
Let me present to you Khadarlis for Sierra Leone, please view the links below to get to know Us.
Aisha Desince
Khadarlis for Sierra Leone

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Amazing Women Rock - A Tribute to Darlis Johnson

Amazing Women Rock - A Tribute to Darlis Johnson

As you read this, think of one way you can help someone else without wanting nothing in return, the human spirit has the ability to feel great after you have done something that for someone else, volunteer, collaborate.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Task at hand

I'm struck this morning by the thought that there is so much left undone every day. It can be overwhelming to try to carry that burden - on top of everything else we need to do. It's some small measure of comfort to (at least) believe that others likely carry this same burden. The question is: "Why?"
At the particular moment I surrender to the Power that created me, I leave from this day forth all my actions, reactions to the Man that saw it fit for me to be here and answer my calling.
TO LEAD by example
To make this world a better place be it in Africa or USA and around the world.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

Khadarlis for Sierra Leone is a small independent non-profit dedicated to rebuilding and empowering communities devastated after the conflicts in Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone is a country where 70% of the income comes from farming. Our mission is to help implement programs that will leave villages with agricultural efficiency so they can be self reliant.

We accomplish this by providing basic potable water supply systems, implementing and fostering solar electricity, health education and infection control programs.

Khardalis networks directly with the villagers with a hands on approach. Our initial work focuses on the communities of Jimmi and Senehun

We are looking for Clicker-- to click on our click to donate sites------iGive and good search

Twetters--- to tweet on our behalf

Posters ----- to post on social media sites for our Organization

All work can be done from your home or office.