Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Health and Wellness: Khadarlis Work in Sierra Leone

            Healthcare is one of the most basic needs in countries like Sierra Leone. In such countries, preventable illness kills thousands upon thousands annually. The people of Sierra Leone face serious threats from a protozoal menagerie of diseases – from AIDS, yellow fever and hepatitis to diarrhea. The main challenges to cleanliness in Sierra Leone are sanitation infrastructure (i.e. clean water, sewage systems), sterile health care facilities and personal hygiene (safe sex, handwashing, etc.).
            Thankfully, organizations like Khadarlis are incredibly proactive in their efforts to improve the living situation for the people of Sierra Leone. In 2009, on their third trip, the Khadarlis supplied the clinic in Jimmi (a clinic which services ten local villages) with basic healthcare supplies. Later that year, on a fourth trip, they held AIDS awareness classes in Jimmi and Senehun. In 2011, on Khadarlis tenth trip, they visited Jimmi, Senehun, Bandajuma and Kawama, and grew their AIDS awareness campaign (including a walk-a-thon).
            During this same trip, the Khadarlis made a huge donations to the Jimmi clinic, giving gloves, medical supplies, bandages, sheets, towels, first aid kids, staff uniforms, gynecological tools, thermometers, hand sanitizer, blankets and baby toys. They also held classes on personal hygiene and sanitation, teaching about proper hand-washing, water purification, disease control and proper condom use. Throughout Khadarlis work in Sierra Leone, they have also maintained a strong presence in water work, a key factor in the fight against preventable disease (for more information on that, see http://khadarlis-change.blogspot.com/2012/06/let-river-flow-signs-of-progress-in.html).
            Healthcare is one of the most important steps to development in Sierra Leone. Without it, people cannot live full, long, healthy lives, and the country as a whole is unable to progress with such a short life expectancy of its people. By removing some of the biggest threats to life, love and happiness, Sierra Leone will be able to prosper and grow to match the spirit and perseverance of its people.

Marisa N. | Volunteer Blogger
Khadarlis for Sierra Leone

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