Friday, March 28, 2014

Spotlight on Khadarlis' Partners: Cintas!

Many people don't know it yet, but we're partnered with Cintas a company specializing in work uniforms and apparel!

And it's thanks to Cintas that we're able to meet a need that many people seem to forget.

 Can you guess what it is?

 That's alright, we'll tell you anyway: SCHOOL AND WORK UNIFORMS!

There are a lot of schools in Rhode Island, and especially in Providence, that require school uniforms. Unfortunately the cost of buying uniforms for children is pretty high for parents who are struggling. That's our partnership with Cintas comes in.

Because they regularly donate work uniforms, pants, and other clothing we can get them to match school uniform codes. That means children can finally have their own uniforms and parents get to save money for food and bills.

Of course these uniforms are handy for others who need a uniform for their job, too!

Thanks to Cintas, both adults and children have the clothes they need to succeed.

So today we would love to give a special thank you to all of our friends at Cintas who help us serve our community.

If you could, please visit the Cintas website to see more about them!

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