Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What the Andean People Can teach you about Service

If you were asked "What is service?" what would it mean to you?

This is a question we are asked often at Khadarlis. Sometimes it's from our volunteers who don't understand how our entire organization could stand to volunteer without funding.

We can sum it up with a single word: Ayni.

The Andean People and Ayni

Original Photo By: morrisey via Flickr
The Andes is a massive mountain range located in South America. The Andes is also where the word "ayni" originates.

Ayni is comes from a special tradition practiced by some people of the Andes. While it can be described several ways, Ayni is simply giving gifts or services to others. The idea is if you give something to someone in need, they will help you in the future. Or in another word, call it "reciprocity."

You aren't helping someone for money or because have to help someone since they helped you. Ayni, which some say translates in "proper relationship," is about connecting with others and giving service.

In many ways this is what a nonprofit does (or what we think should happen!). 

Connections in Service

We like Ayni not only makes people "give back," but creates networks of people helping each other. If one person helps, they may return the favor and then also help others.

That's what Khadarlis aims to do by serving!

While we pay for our partnerships we want to strength communities. And while we can't physically build a home we want to exchange our time, our effort, our lives to do so.

Even if we cannot be paid, or clients can't give back to us, we hope that they create helping hands in the community.

Ayni in Everyday Life

If you've taken anything away from this conversation we hope that it's one thing: help others that are in need. 

This is what Khadarlis runs everyday!

To Find our More About the Work We do Visit our Website: www.Khadarlis.org

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