Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Home Sweet Home

            Since writing my last post on some recent developments in housing and architecture, I have had conversations with people I know personally about it. I’ve received a few questions from them regarding the importance of this topic. Why is that relevant? Why is it so important? I think that question needs to be answered by reminding ourselves of the situations that people in Sierra Leone find themselves in with regards to housing. After the civil war, and still today, many Sierra Leoneans have found themselves in a situation of transient, inconsistent or unavailable housing.
            Many people do not have homes to call their own – they live in shared homes at best, but more often, temporary shelters, or rundown buildings that do not provide adequate space, sanitation or utilities. Having a good solid home is a foundation for many families to begin getting back on their feet. With a safe, secure home, parents can find work knowing their children have a consistent place to live. Children can have a stable home to return to after school, thus improving their chances of achieving academically.
            Families can bond with less strife over problems of shelter, and begin to lead normal lives without worrying every day over where they are going to sleep (let alone being able to pursue school and paid work). Housing is one of the more important factors in helping Sierra Leone get back on its feet, and it cannot be understated how influential this is. Without stable, consistent housing, Sierra Leone’s recovery will be incredibly difficult, so we need to make sure we are investing in it and not leaving it behind.

Marisa N.
Volunteer Blogger | Khadarlis for Sierra Leone

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