Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Light Ahead: New Developments in the Quest for Clean Water

            It will not surprise anyone who knows me to learn that I really enjoy getting my news from a variety of different sources. My quest for knowledge is really only complete if I am getting the whole picture, from a range of different perspectives. It was during this daily “quest for knowledge” that I stumbled upon an article, discussing the recent Clinton Global Initiative summit. One thing that stuck out at me was the way former President Clinton highlighted a new partnership, just in its infancy, between the aid organization WorldVision and the consumer giant Procter and Gamble.
            Now of course my first thought was, “What could possibly come out of this to benefit the developing world?” Turns out, P&G has developed water purification packets, tiny powder packs that kill bacteria and parasites, purifying enough drinking water for a whole family with just one packet. As part of this new enterprise, WorldVision is helping to distribute them, a major efficacy roadblock that P&G has struggled with since the product’s invention.
            Critics argue that the partnership will not have as significant an impact as much of the global community anticipates. The P&G packets have been around for about five years now, and of course there is still a major shortage of clean water in Africa. However, what the company so far has lacked has been an effective delivery mechanism. For WorldVision, which already makes many deliveries of food, clothes, etc. to African countries, to add purification packets to its cargo load is no loss on their part. It’s brilliantly simple but brilliantly efficient.
            According to the article (which can be found at, WorldVision is going to begin delivering the packets to Chad, Mali, Ghana, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and of course, our beloved Sierra Leone.  The organization also has programs to help install permanent water and sanitation infrastructure in the countries it services, for long-term solutions. Exciting times ahead in the future of Sierra Leone! For more information on why water sanitation is so critical to the development of a country, see

Marisa N. | Volunteer Blogger
Khadarlis for Sierra Leone

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