Monday, February 27, 2012

We need each others.

May you be a voice that will be echoed, May we be the followers and be followed, because loving one another involves taking care of each other. Taking care of each other means to be a guide and a pastor for their sheep.
Humans have an amazing power, and that power needs to be used to help each other.
To prosper and succeed in our goals, we need each other, we are not of lonely nature, we are meant to be together, and working for a common goal, giving you the amazing feeling of belonging to something bigger than you alone, something bigger with a bigger meaning. Khadarlis is rebuilding Sierra Leone, they are building communities that once were destroyed by wars.
Can you imagine how horrible it would be if that happened to you or one of your loved ones?
 They are our loved ones, they are our brother and sister our mother, daughter and son.
The world doesn’t revolve around us, we should revolve around God’s love, and only then He will provide with all the help we need to make this world a good place to live, for us, and generations to come.
Would you like to be the instrument of His love? Do you believe that we can learn to love one another? Have you experience in your own flesh this amazing love?
Khadarlis gives you the opportunity to use the power of love and make wonders.
Because Khadarlis is doing amazing things to help rebuild Sierra Leone, and one thing that you can do to experience and share this love, is to support Khadarlis's efforts.
You can visit www.Khadarlis.Org and learn more about the miracles of love.
There is so much need, and when we help them, we help ourselves and our future generations.
 You can help the children of the devastated Sierra Leone with a small donation, it doesn’t need to be lots of money, every penny counts and counts a lot, for example with a small donation  of 10 dollars you can save a child’s life by purchasing and delivering a mosquito net, we will educate the family in the proper use to avoid deaths by mosquito bites, also Khadarlis will deliver safe immunizations to 150 children by purchasing 150 auto-disable syringes, Khadarlis also will stop bouts of dehydration and diarrhea in children, by purchasing 150 sachets of oral re hydration salts.
As you can see, little will go a long way in Sierra Leone and your small or big donation will work as an instrument of love.
Gisela Badal.
Volunteer writer at khadarlis for Sierra Leone

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