Thursday, February 10, 2011

The powe of the brain

I am going to share a note that a friend of mine from linked in wrote to me with the hope that it inspires you to help pass the word around about what we do here at khadarlis, If you do not know, how can you be part of the solution.

Aisha; Hello! Have you ever heard of such a thing as the RETICULAR ACTIVATOR in your brain? That thing that when you don't know anything about something and someone brings your attention to it, and then you start attracting info about it all over the place.

Well, we (my husband David and I) were looking for a movie on Netflix last night and came across a documentary called BLING about musical rappers in the US who wear lots of diamonds and they heard of the blood diamond war in Sierra Leone! YOU instantly came to my mind! We watched the movie. The rappers traveled to Sierra Leone to meet the people and find out what was really happening there now...totally shifted their thinking about wearing diamonds (Bling) Whoa!!

A very powerful movie!! My heart totally went out to the people and I got to gain some valuable understanding about what you are talking about in our few short communications.

I'd love to learn more, Aisha, and how I might be able to contribute to what you are doing!! I'm very dedicated in building my emotional freedom coaching biz so I don't have alot of extra time, however, I'm more than happy to share some information with you - what I know -- to help you to do what you are doing there! Very powerful work!! My hats off to you and my heart sends you much love and support!!

I look forward to our next conversation!!! ~Gwen

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